The Benefits of 420 Chrome Stainless Steel Coiled Spring Pins

In applications requiring a combination of high strength, superior fatigue life, and corrosion resistance, 420 martensitic chrome stainless steel offers a host of technical benefits and provides an overall robust cost-effective solution.

In-Cable Control Box (ICCB)

An automotive manufacturer was designing a Mode 2 charging cable assembly for electric vehicles. The manufacturer wanted permanent water sealing protection for the In-Cable Control Box (ICCB) which facilitates safe communication between the electric vehicle and charging port. The design team was investigating permanent retention mechanisms to create a seal around the internal gasket that protects the inner electrical components of the plastic ICCB housing. They were deciding between using adhesives or traditional metal fasteners.

Press-N-Lok™ Pins in In-Cable Control Box (ICCB)

Press-N-Lok Pin™

Press-N-Lok Pin™

CURRENT SOLUTION: SPIROL Engineering recommended using eight (8) SPIROL Series BP100 Press-N-Lok™ Pins to fasten the plastic ICCB housing. These permanent Solid Pins have barbs that provide superior retention in plastics, and they are designed to be hidden in the final product. Press-N-Lok™ Pins are post-mold installed after the plastic has cooled in two stages. First, the pins are pressed into one half of the plastic housing. Next, the other half of the housing is aligned with the exposed pins and pressed into place. As the pins are pressed into the housing, the barbs displace the plastic host material. After installation, the plastic naturally backfills behind the barbs to lock the pins in place.

Press-N-Lok™ Pins allow for a more efficient and cost effective assembly process compared to adhesives. The cost of presses to install Press-N-Lok™ Pins are significantly less than the cost of adhesive installation equipment. Furthermore, assembly is quicker and cleaner with Solid Pins because they don’t require a secondary curing process like adhesives.

The charging cable manufacturer cut production costs and reduced cycle times by using SPIROL’s Press-N-Lok™ Pins instead of adhesives to secure the plastic In-Cable Control Box.

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SPIROL offers complimentary Application Engineering support. We will assist on new designs as well as help resolve issues, and recommend cost savings on existing designs.