The Benefits of 420 Chrome Stainless Steel Coiled Spring Pins

In applications requiring a combination of high strength, superior fatigue life, and corrosion resistance, 420 martensitic chrome stainless steel offers a host of technical benefits and provides an overall robust cost-effective solution.

Nail Gun

A manufacturer of a pneumatic nail gun was experiencing difficulties installing a pin used to hold a steel shaft to an aluminum piston.

The steel shaft acts as the nail driver when the gun is actuated.

Two Slotted Pins were doubled up to pin the nail driver to a piston. In order to meet the shear requirements of the application a .125” diameter Slotted Pin was manually inserted inside a .219” diameter Slotted Pin before being pressed into the component.

The prior solution required two pins and an additional step in assembly to insert one Slotted Pin into the other. It was a difficult and time-consuming process to align the gaps of the Slotted Pins 180° opposite to each other, and then press the smaller pin into the larger pin. The Slotted Pin within a Slotted Pin resulted in high insertion forces, damaged assemblies, and difficult removal of the pins during service.
app coiled pin nail gun
app coiled pin nail gun drawing
coiled pins
SPIROL Engineering designed an extra heavy-duty .219” diameter Coiled Spring Pin to meet the required shear strength. This pin could be used in the application without any modification to the components.

Using a single Coiled Spring Pin eliminated the assembly operation of manually aligning and installing one Slotted Pin into another. By using one Coiled Spring Pin versus a Slotted Pin within a Slotted Pin, the insertion forces were significantly reduced.

The use of a Coiled Spring Pin that is absent of a gap made it possible to completely automate the assembly process. This increased productivity and lowered the total assembled cost of the component.

Our staff of engineers will review your application needs and work with your design team to recommend the best solution.

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SPIROL offers complimentary Application Engineering support. We will assist on new designs as well as help resolve issues, and recommend cost savings on existing designs.