A manufacturer of a pneumatic nail gun was experiencing difficulties installing a pin used to hold a steel shaft to an aluminum piston.
The steel shaft acts as the nail driver when the gun is actuated.
Two Slotted Pins were doubled up to pin the nail driver to a piston. In order to meet the shear requirements of the application a .125” diameter Slotted Pin was manually inserted inside a .219” diameter Slotted Pin before being pressed into the component.
The prior solution required two pins and an additional step in assembly to insert one Slotted Pin into the other. It was a difficult and time-consuming process to align the gaps of the Slotted Pins 180° opposite to each other, and then press the smaller pin into the larger pin. The Slotted Pin within a Slotted Pin resulted in high insertion forces, damaged assemblies, and difficult removal of the pins during service.